1. Marie doesn't open mail.
It's true--I hate opening routine mail. I like personal mail and 50% off discounts, but the rest of my mail is just wasted paper trying to get me to sign up for things I neither want nor need. (I tried to get my mailperson, Sue, to stop delivering crap, but legally she has to deliver it.) And while Chris and I are equally involved in wedding planning, we spend most of our time at my apartment, so we'd use my address.
Opening, recording, and filing each response is probably exciting for someone out there, but it seems rather redundant for a technophile. I would put it off and resent it, Chris would worry that we weren't staying on top of things, we'd spend our date nights sifting through little paper envelopes and double checking each other's records, and that would be bad for everyone. So we're simplifying the process for you, for us, and for mail delivery persons everywhere.